“The head of a Christian schools group has defended the practice of having students sing an additional religious verse to the national anthem.”
The neo-christian verse (courtesy of ABC news) :
With Christ our head and cornerstone, we’ll build our nation’s might;
Whose way and truth and light alone, can guide our path aright;
Our lives a sacrifice of love, reflect our master’s care;
With faces turned to heav’n above, Advance Australia Fair;
In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.
These church schools just don’t get it. Bad enough that taxpayers’ dollars fund these minority faiths. Now they want to turn our shared secular anthem into a Hymn. Listen guys. We may have once been a christian country. I accept that it’s part of our anglo/judeo/ christian heritage. But this isn’t a theocracy. It’s a multi-faith, multi-ethnic pluralistic democracy. So here’s my neo-humanist/atheist verse:
Now most of us are atheists who see Death as The End
But feel quite free to have a chat to your Imaginary Friend.
We take all creeds and races here from commonplace to rare
But Church and State we separate. Advance Australia Fair.
In joy, though strained, then let us sing Advance Australia Fair.